Cooperative partnership between NORDWEST and Clivet

Cooperative partnership between NORDWEST and Clivet  

25-03-2024 | Press

Reading Time: 8 min

Heat pumps and air-conditioning technology for the exclusive brand delphis

Dortmund, 25/03/2024 – Clivet GmbH based in Norderstedt is now a new partner of the exclusive brand delphisXpert in the area of building services. NORDWEST is thereby setting a new milestone in the design of an attractive sanitary and heating assortment for the exclusive brand to the benefit of its specialist trade partners. The delphisXpert by Clivet home portfolio extends the NORDWEST product range with split, monobloc and domestic hot water heat pumps, air-conditioning units and matching accessories, thereby adding strategically important product solutions that are in high demand on the market.

Clivet is a leading European company for air-conditioning, heating and ventilation systems with a wide range of products for the residential, service and industrial sectors. The manufacturer is the perfect partner for the NORDWEST trade association, as it expertly covers a comprehensive product portfolio of heat pumps, air-conditioning technology and ventilation units and proves its willingness to break new ground in its assortment and to make inroads into the market – always with the shared goal of future-proofing specialist wholesalers, giving them unique features that make them stand out and assure their competitive edge. In turn, with NORDWEST, Clivet has a strong, ambitious and future-oriented trade association at its side which not only has a team of motivated wholesalers to open up new sales markets and draw new customers, but also maintains closer ties to specialist wholesalers than the manufacturer itself. The two sides saw these conditions as ideal for building something new together.

The Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH) and the German Heat Pump Federation (BWP) report a record year for sales of heat pumps in Germany in 2023: Manufacturers sold a total of 356,000 appliances – 51 % more than in the previous year. The political objective is to bring 500,000 heat pumps onto the market every year from 2024 onwards. Clivet and NORDWEST want to achieve a certain share of this by joining forces, thereby gaining the trust of specialist dealers and heating engineers. 

Training and local presence

The official start of the cooperation between Clivet and NORDWEST is 1 April 2024. The products have been available from the NORDWEST central warehouse in Gießen since 1 March, and the product data for the price lists, catalogues and e-shops has been entered. A key element of the cooperative partnership is the topic of further training for dealers. NORDWEST is organising training courses for its specialist trade partners at the various Clivet training centres in Germany in order to give them the expertise they need for optimum product sales. An event for craftspeople is also in planning, to which NORDWEST specialist dealers and their customers are to be jointly invited. The priority now is not only to win over many specialist trade partners to the products in the delphisXpert by Clivet Home range, but above all to get craftsmen on board. To achieve this, the partners collaborated on the design of the walk-in Clivet House equipped with delphisXpert products which can be set up on site at in-house exhibitions and other events organised by specialist trade partners – to illustrate the range and increase the on-site presence of the cooperative partnership. 

Clivet House demonstrates energy efficiency and smart homes

The Clivet House is a pioneering example of how advanced technologies and digitalisation can take homes to a whole new level. The model house not only contains state-of-the-art building services and epitomises energy efficiency, but also offers a genuine experience of smart living. From the intelligent control of the room temperature to energy management of building services: the Clivet house shows how innovative solutions can significantly increase the comfort and quality of life of customers. It is intended to serve as a model for future-oriented living based on sustainability, efficiency and user-friendliness.

Innovation as a commitment

To guarantee the success of their long-term cooperation, Clivet and NORDWEST are emphasising an active partnership, constant exchange and the shared promise to further develop the assortment. Their declared common approach is to take trends into account and to design the product range in line with market conditions. In addition, Clivet is currently building a new plant in Feltre (Italy), which will help increase the production capacity. 


Georg Jiri Oborny, General Manager of Clivet: 

“For us, our partnership with NORDWEST is extremely valuable from a strategic point of view. NORDWEST is a strong partner with a long tradition and a strong brand positioning in Germany. Their forward-looking vision harmonises perfectly with our own. It is this synergy makes that makes the partnership particularly profitable and forward-looking for us.”

Mario Tröck, Head of Division Building Services at NORDWEST:

“We want to establish our exclusive brand delphis among specialist trade partners as a complete solution for domestic sanitary, heating and air-conditioning equipment. With the state-of-the-art assortment that has been expanded by Clivet, delphis has now reached a new level and can offer customers holistic solutions for their homes. We see this as a fundamental step for the future.”

Matthias Faßbender, Expert Group Manager Heating & Installation at NORDWEST:

“In terms of the regional sales orientation of our specialist trade partners, this is a big step we have taken together. With this new assortment and high availability thanks to our central warehouse, we are future-proofing our members’ competence in the exclusive brand and significantly simplifying access to these important and highly sought-after products.”

Sven Rottke, Sales Manager Residential at Clivet:

“The heating revolution has already been underway for a number of years. Heat pumps offer end customers a technology that not only cuts costs, but also helps to reduce carbon emissions. The intelligent integration of digital resources in the home, particularly through the smart management system, gives us an ideal way to coordinate the systems and minimise energy consumption.” 

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