Digital data logistics

Digital data logistics
Our online product master data platform
In today’s business world, the management and organisation of product master data plays a crucial role. The availability of qualified product master data is a strategic competitive factor for the successful and sustainable implementation of digitalisation processes.
NORDWEST offers data logistics for stock and catalogue articles as well as complete manufacturer ranges – all accessible via its centralised DataConnect platform. The aim is to significantly reduce the manual effort required in data management for specialist retail partners. DataConnect enables the customised provision of product master data in the required formats for automated supply to the target systems on the specialist trade partner websites. Its simple configuration allows users to retrieve either the entire product master data inventory or only changed data according to individual criteria.
The data is delivered on demand to servers (FTP) on a time or result-controlled basis to supply the ERP system and also to dealer sales channels, such as shop systems or online marketplaces.
Your added values with NORDWEST
- Product master data for use in your ERP system, your shop system, relevant online marketplaces or e-procurement systems
- Centralised provision of over 90 complete manufacturer assortments in the area of construction and crafts and 200 in building services, as well as NORDWEST catalogue and warehouse data
- High data quality thanks to specifically enriched product data in customised formats
- Active data provision via FTP file transfer or as a download link in an email and the option of automated schedule-based supply
- Article data queried in a web service right from your ERP system
In addition to the assortment provided in DataConnect, the optional DataCreate service enables you to create and maintain your own article data in tried-and-test NORDWEST structures – fully compatible with DataConnect, of course, which ensures standardised data provision.
In addition to manual maintenance in DataCreate, the automated transfer of specialist trade partner article data is also possible. By implementing checking and approval rules, we make it much easier to comply with product regulations and product-related laws.
For the first time, the existing catalogue structure can now be merged with all article master data available on DataConnect for joint publication, i.e. the existing catalogue structure can also be expanded to include individually required product groups. This enables a complete, fully automated and time-controlled supply of article data to target systems such as eSHOP, marketplaces and ERP systems without having to make manual inputs in the individual specialist trade partner assortment.
Your advantages with DataCreate
- Time savings thanks to a predefined product group structure
- A user-friendly design
- Mass processing and elimination of resources required to use Excel spreadsheets or other tools
- Maintenance of individual specialist trade partner assortments within the provided catalogue structure for a uniform supply of all target systems with a complete data stream (mixing of third-party and own articles)