Secure skilled labour

A group of two men and three women stand around a table chatting.

Attract and retain employees 

Combating the shortage of skilled labour

These days, companies are faced with the ever-increasing challenge of finding ways to combat the ever-increasing shortage of skilled labour. Employee recruitment and retention are two important cornerstones here. As an employer, it is important to find the right employees, make them an integral part of the team, and then continue to treat them well so that they stay with the company. It is therefore ultimately a matter of breathing life into the topic of employer branding.  

At NORDWEST, we will support you with the onboarding of new employees and, with a professional partner at our side, with the complex issue of recruiting.  

Job advertisements 
Support from professionals

Companies faced with the task of filling a large number of vacancies can quickly push HR managers to their limits. The effort involved should not be underestimated, as the impact on a company is just as serious as when there are too many unfilled vacancies. To address this issue, NORDWEST has joined forces with a professional partner for the placement of job advertisements to develop a new range of services – available at greatly reduced package prices.

This reduces your workload while increasing the chance of finding suitable applicants, as the advertisements are precisely tailored to the sector of the prospective employer. On request, our partner agency can support our specialist trade partners in everything from the strategy and concept behind the advertisement to its text and layout. The free tracking tool allows you to monitor the success of your job advertisement at any time.

A man and a women sitting together and talking

Professional onboarding 
of new employees 

Your new employee has signed the employment contract and is set to start work. But what can and should be done afterwards to ensure that your new employee becomes a true colleague who will want to stay with the company? This is something that goes far beyond the first day of work …

The Human Resources (HR) department at NORDWEST has drawn up a guide intended to inspire you and help you make employees who are new to your company feel welcome in the long term.

And once your new employees have been hired,
the topic of further training also becomes important. 

Your contacts

Our regional sales managers will be glad to assist you.

Klaus-H. Roden Regional Sales Manager North at NORDWEST Handel AG

Klaus-H. Roden

Regional Sales Manager North

Dan Kollmann Regional Sales Manager East at NORDWEST Handel AG

Dan Kollmann

Regional Sales Manager East

Wolfgang Dorn Regional Sales Manager South at NORDWEST Handel AG

Wolfgang Dorn

Regional Sales Manager South

Michael Beissel Regional Sales Manager West at NORDWEST Handel AG

Michael Beissel

Regional Sales Manager West

Our regional sales managers for building services will be glad to assist you.

Stephan Braun Regional Sales Manager Building Services North at NORDWEST Handel AG

Stephan Braun

Regional Sales Manager Building Services North

Markus Klemmer Regional Sales Manager Building Services South at NORDWEST Handel AG

Markus Klemmer

Regional Sales Manager Building Services South

We are always here for you! 

You can reach us here: